Inside the Lunar Module
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Welcome to Falcon! Apollo missions relied on the use of a Lunar Module (LM), which detached from the Command and Service Module (CSM) in order to descend to the lunar surface. This simulated experience begins with original video footage of the Apollo 15 LM, Falcon, making its descent. Upon landing, an interactive simulation begins.
Move your mouse to investigate the interior of the LM, which was 3D modeled using official cabin close-out photographs.
On the control panel, select any of the off-white shapes for an up-close look at flown mission cue cards, often annotated or otherwise marked by the astronauts themselves. These cue cards were used as condensed reference materials for different stages of the mission, and were affixed to the interior of the spacecraft using velcro.
For further interaction with this (or additional) cue cards in the Apollo 15 Flight Data File, select “View Card” to launch Readux in a new window. Otherwise, select “Back to LM” to continue exploring.