Discovery Collection Metadata Title Discovery Subject This collection showcases the geological and scientific research undertaken by the Apollo 15 crew. UUID 730300d8-5fc5-4ccd-8f0a-6b87cb985be4 Collection: Discovery Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 4 pages Great Scott NASA August 2, 1971 Lunar Surface from Orbit NASA July 1971 Ultraviolet Photograph of Earth NASA August 5, 1971 Mapping camera image of the Aristarchus Crater NASA Mare Imbrium NASA Mare Imbrium and Lambert Crater NASA August 3, 1971 Ultraviolet Photograph of Earth (Color) NASA August 6, 1971 Great Scott (Color, Lunar Receiving Lab) NASA August 2, 1971 (date of collection) Great Scott (Greyscale, Lunar Receiving Lab) NASA August 2, 1971 (date of collection) EVA 1: Station 2 Boulder Segment