Discovery Collection Metadata Title Discovery Subject This collection showcases the geological and scientific research undertaken by the Apollo 15 crew. UUID 730300d8-5fc5-4ccd-8f0a-6b87cb985be4 Collection: Discovery Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 4 pages Mt. Hadley High-Up NASA August 1, 1971 Location of Genesis Rock NASA August 1, 1971 Genesis Rock Discovery NASA August 1, 1971 Lunar Rover Closeup during EVA 2 NASA August 1, 1971 Lunar Rover at Start of EVA 2 NASA August 1, 1971 First Looks at Lunar Samples NASA August 9, 1971 Mission Control During EVA 3, 1 NASA August 2, 1971 Mission Control During EVA 3, 2 NASA August 2, 1971 Genesis Rock at the Lab NASA August 12, 1971 Apollo 15 Astronauts and Geologists NASA August 9, 1971